Amazon Reseller Certification – Coming Soon

Amazon Testing Guidelines
Selling products with E-commerce marketplaces such as Amazon can be a critical piece of your revenue. Recently, Amazon has begun verifying that the products sold in their online store comply with Federal and State regulations. With an increase in reviews of the products sold on their marketplace, many sellers have had their products pulled until they can provide the proper documentation that their products are safe.
Amazon released guidelines requiring Certificates of Analysis for products that fall into the “Dietary Supplements” category. These new regulations require sellers to provide results for each individual ingredient listed in the supplement or nutritional panel in addition to specific analytes depending on the type of dietary supplement. The three categories are Sexual enhancements, weight loss and weight management, and sports nutrition.
Test Reports and Certificates of Analysis
Amazon has stated that sellers must provide the following to sell dietary supplements on the Amazon marketplace:
A valid good manufacturing practice (GMP) certificate issued by an accredited third-party certification body in compliance with 21 CFR 111.
A Certificate of Analysis for each finished product, evidence of product enrollment or participation in a specific third-party quality certification program, and product images.
Amazon only accepts Certificates of Analysis from an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory that is compliant with current good manufacturing practices, 21 CFR Part 111, for products that are dietary supplements as defined in 21 U.S.C. 321(ff), or 21 CFR Part 117 for any other human food product as defined at 21 U.S.C. 321(f), or both. Furthermore, the Certificate of Analysis must either list the ISO accreditation number for that specific laboratory or a copy of the ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation certificate for the laboratory needs to accompany the CoA.
When manufacturers and distributors are evaluating laboratory partners, they should keep in mind that Amazon does not require accreditation specific to a particular test. Rather, Amazon has stated that “the fact that the laboratory holds any ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation demonstrates general competence in performing tests and calibrations.”
Sexual Enhancements
Desmethyl Carbodenafil
Weight Loss and Weight Management Products
Sports Nutrition
Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs):
Ostarine (Enobosarm)
Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
Anabolic steroids:
4-DHEA (4-androstene-3α/β-ol-17-one)
Sibutramine and its analogs desmethylsibutramine and desmethylsibutramine