Analytics for Winemakers

Chemistry Panels include Free, Total, and molecular SO2 as well as volatile acidity, pH, and Titratable acidity. We also offer harvest specific panels like our Grape Juice Analysis that covers NOPA, Ammonia, Brix, pH, Tartaric Acid, L-Malic Acid, Titratable Acidity, Potassium, Glucose and Fructose, and YAN
Microbial panels are offered for Yeast culture and Bacteria cultures.
Metals are offered in 4 part packages or a la carte, as well as acids, sugars, and nitrogens.
Grape Juice Panel

Analyzing parameters of grape juice can improve the efficiency of fermentation and assist in making decisions during the winemaking process. Without analytical data providing information about the juice, winemaking decisions become guesswork which can have a detrimental impact on the wine’s quality and consistency.
Confirm grapes are at peak maturity and contain preferred parameters
Assess wine chemistry (acid, sugar, or tannin additions)
Aid in correcting natural deficiencies (tartaric, malic acid additions)
Measure stability
Adhere to TTB regulations (alcohol concentration, volatile acidity)
Troubleshoot suspected problems or flaws
Maintain a history of the winery’s vintages